Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh this is interesting, very interesting...

Wednesday is over, a new day has come! Thursday, like predicted, has been a pretty easy day. Unfortunately, we are all WORN OUT from running everywhere yesterday. Running up and down the stairs, dunking people in the lake, running 5,000,000,000,000 miles to the dang lighthouse to see the silver haired foxy lady, ummmm...and lots more things, but we're so tired we can't remember right now. Oh yeah, and everyone has gotten lost about 4,523,452,362,346,346,362,456,234 times (no exaggeration on the numbers). That's the most frustrating thing, but besides that we're having a lot of fun. Anyway, Today we were given 20 dollars and told to spend no more or less on any service projects we want. Our groups split up, and Blue team was pretty lost on what we were gonna do to bring God glory. We ended up going to Arby's and buying the people's lunch behind us with the money. Then we went to Aldi's to get popcicles and hand them out at the beach. But, before we left Aldi's, we got two dollars worth of quarters to put in all the carts for people to use them in the future. The beach was nice, and giving people free popcicles was even better. All the teams met up at a go-cart place and we had a challenge of racing. Britt (what a slugger) was FIRST!!! WHOO HOO. Eric (a slugger also) came in second!!!!! and I came in 5...i think. So, Blue team got 150 points for that challenge.
On our way to the vans, we were given the next password to the clue. We were unaware we could do an easy puzzle to get the next password before we left, so we had to choose the choice of stopping at three places along the way to our next destination (Niles, Michigan) and play air guitar concerts in public. Let me tell you, it was interesting. Here are our pics and videos of today. We'll keep you all posted because I know reading and seeing our blogs are the highlight of your day :] We're on our way to a riverfest concert...and i don't think any of us in this van know what that is....hmm.
Meg and Britt
p.s. The greens rap song is nothing compared to the plans we have planned...mwhahaha


Anonymous said...

Hey Blue Team, you are doing a great job. Rest up and show the other teams how to get the challenges done and how to show your faith.
See you on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

You guys are HILARIOUS> Hey Meg sorry your so tired, hope Brit has stopped ;picking her nose, and Eric worked through his brain fart :p

Just wanted ya'll to know we are praying for ya! Thanks for the laughs, Meg u so crazy! Be safe, take care, have FUNNN!!!!


Eva Williams said...

Good job doing that in public! Looks like a lot of fun! Keep on working hard!

Very Sleepy Girl said...

Awesome, Blue Team! That Meijer mopping employee was pretty focused on his work! :)

It was so fun to hang out with you this evening, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!


Anonymous said...

This is sooo the air guitar!! Too bad the mop guy didn't join in your adventure. :)

Love the videos...keep them coming. We're rooting for you.

Go Blue!! :)


amyrowe said...

wow they came running for those popsicles!!!